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Regulated Land For Sale Avren, Varna District

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 5065

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Аврен
Площ на парцела 900 sqm
Цена в евро 11.5  Per Sq.m
Разстояние от
Летище 40Km Varna
Море 20Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Път Yes



The municipality is located in the North East of Bulgaria, covering an area of 380 square kilometers. It is the sixth largest municipality in the Varna district. To the east it borders the Black Sea, and the neighbouring municipalities are those of Varna, Beloslav, Dolni Chiflik and Provadia. The municipality is a predominantly flat country with an altitude of 0 to 380 meters above sea level and generally sloping southwards. Its relief is formed by the valleys of the Kamchia River and the Provadiiska River, and the Avren plateau, which divides the territory into a tableland region and a valley region. In general, the climate is a moderate continental one with microclimatic variances due to the influence of the relief and the Black Sea basin. The economic sectors are agriculture and tourism. There has been considerable investment interest. By 2007 4- and 5-star hotels, a golf course and a horse-riding club are built as part of the complex. A major investment contribution in the resort belongs to the city of Moscow. Good road connections: railway connection and a railway station, good water supply network, post office, gas station, drug store, 4 grocery stores, 2 taverns. The village is located 24km from the sea shore.
The land is situated in the village. It is 20 minutes away from the beach of Shkorpilovtsi and 30min from Varnas shore. The neighbours have new-built houses.

The property:
Is regulated
Has a magnificent view to the nearest lake
Has water and electricity
Flat plot
An asphalt road leads to the property

Nearest towns and villages:
Trastikovo 4km
Kazashka Reka 4km
Yunak 4km
Avren 4km
Razdelna 5km
Tsarevtsi 5km
Padina 7km
Venelin 8km
Nova Shipka 9km
Camping Ray 24km
Varna 25km

Nearest points of interest:
Asparuhov Bridge 24km
Stoyan Bachvarov drama theatre 26km
Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin 26km
Puppet drama theatre 27km
Museum of archaeology 27km
Devnia Museum for mosaics 12km
Varna Regional Museum of history 27km
Varna Military musuem 27km

Nearest lakes:
Lake Baltata 10km
Beloslav lake 11km
Lake Eleshnitsa 17km
Lake Tsonevo 20km
Varna lake 21km



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