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Unregulated farm Land For Sale Balchik town Centre Dobrich District

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 4616

В близост до

Голф игрище
Риболовен водоем
Ваканционен комплекс
Селски имоти
Регион Балчик
Площ на парцела 1170 sqm
Цена в евро 49000  
Разстояние от
Летище 55Km Varna
Море 2Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Път Yes



Town of Balchik (Dobrich District) is located in North-East Bulgaria, which is part of Balchik Municipality. Balchik is a center of municipality and the only town on its territory. The town of Balchik is situated on tiers onto a big ancient landslide. The terrain is cut in the north-south by deep gulches on the territory of the city and in the villas zones as well. The territory is rather complicated because of the relief. Nowadays we can divide the town in two parts the old town, situated amphitheatrically on the steep shore and the new town situated on the plateau above it.

On offer is a great vineyard on the second line by the airport in Balchik. There is a small outhouse on the plot. If you built a villa on the plot it will offer perfect sea view. There are other houses near the plot. Distance to sea is 2km and to the center of Balchik is 15mins by car. The plot is accessible via a mud road but there is a project for building an asphalt road. The golf course is accessible via the same road.

Information about the plot:
Size 1700sq.m
Price 49000 euros
Small outhouse
Water yes
Electricity nearby and can be installed in the plot

Local amenities of the town:
Municipal building
General practitioners consulting room
Dental Surgery

Nearest towns and villages:
Vasil Levski 1 km
Tsarichino 4 km
Bryastovo 5 km
Strazhitsa 6 km
Gurkovo 8 km
Sokolovo 8 km
Kavarna 14 km
Albena 10 km
Golden sands 18 km
Dobrich 31 km

Nearest churches and monasteries:
St. Constantine and Elena 25 km
St Marina 29 km
church St. Nicholay -1 km

Nearest national objects:
Amujovata cave 17 km
The biggest botanical garden in the Balkan 1 km
Ethnographical museums 1 km
The palace of Balchik 825 m
Kaliakra cape 25 km
Historical museum Varna - 30 km
Naval museum - Varna 32 km

Nearest lakes:
Lake Balchishka Tuzla 5 km
Lake Bolata 25 km
Lake Nanevska Tuzla 27 km



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