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Unregulated Land For Sale Kranevo Bulgaria

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 3861

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Кранево
Площ на парцела 2000 sqm
Цена в евро 17  Per Sq.m
Разстояние от
Летище 30Km Varna
Море 6Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Път Yes



The plot of land is situated in North-East Bulgaria, Varna district. Nearby is located the well know resort Kranevo with its beautiful beaches and very rich history background lately Kranevo is a preferred destination for all.

The unregulated land is situated about 80m to 100m away from the project called Golden Valley and about 150m to 200m away from the project called Monte Verde, the plot is placed right between the two. At the moment there is no electricity or any running water, however currently a complete infrastructure is being developed by the investor of Golden Valley including building of sewage. Also there is an option to consulate the other two owners of the two plots of land neighbouring this one and in that to combine them altogether making 5000sq.m- 6000sq.m
Around and in the same village as where is this unregulated land five new building projects will soon start, here are some of them:
 Project Golden Valley and Crystal Spa Apart Hotel
 Project Monte Verde
 Project Klement Hills:
 Project Golden Hills:
 Project The Vineyard Residence

The land is an amazing opportunity and it gives you a lot of different choices in regards to what you can do with it. Dont miss this opportunity.

The nearest towns and villages:
Kranevo 4km
Varna 24km

The nearest springs:
Tuzlata 21km

The nearest churches and monasteries:
Aladzha Monastery St. Troitsa 9km
Monastery St. St. Konstantin and Elena 15km
Monastery Rozhdestvo Bogorodichno 20km
Monastery St. Marina 24km

The nearest ports:
Kranevo 8km
Golden Sands 9km
Albena 9km
Riviera 11km
Chayka 12km

The nearest lakes:
Lake Balchishka Tuzla 20km
Lake of Varna 23km
Lake of Beloslav 30km

The nearest national objects:
The Palace of Balchik 16km
Regional-historical museum Varna 17km
Military- Navy museum Varna 19km
rtistically Gallary 26km
Monument of Jordan Jovkov 29km

The nearest resorts:
Kranevo 6km
Albena 8km
Golden Sands 10km
Chayka 12km
St. Konstantin and Elena 14km



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