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Unregulated Land For Sale Beloslav Bulgaria

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 3536

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Варна
Площ на парцела from 1200 sqm
Цена в евро 1  Per Sq.m
Разстояние от
Летище 26Km Varna
Море 22Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Път Yes



On offer is land in Beloslav area, which is about 22km from Varna. Its proximity to Varna ensures convenience to the citys culture and social life on one hand and plenty of business opportunities on the other. These plots of land are close to Varna Lake and the Harbour.

A NEW bridge will be built over the Lake which has already been passed and construction is due to start in 2009. This will ensure faster connections to Varna International Airport as well as to the HEMUS HIGHWAY from VARNA TO SOFIA.

There is a project for one more harbour as well, which is going to make the transport connections even more convenient and linking all the countries around the BLACK SEA COAST closer. Those are only few of the projects regarding this area it is positive to grow as a commercial area. Thus it is an exclusive investment opportunity.

These plots are in a suitable location and shall be allowed to build residential housing after necessary procedures have been carried out. Situated in an area very quiet and peaceful, with all the benefits of a metropolitan city VARNA. The plots of land range from 1200sq.m to 11300sq.m so there are various options for various purposes some of the plots can be united or split into smaller ones.

Some of the nearest sea resorts from Beloslav are:
Romantika - 22km
Kamchiya - 23km
St. Konstantin and Elena - 26km
Chaika - 27km
Golden Sands - 29km

Nearest monasteries and churches:
Rojdestvo Bogorodichno monastery - 14km
St. Konstantin and Elena monastery - 24km
Aladja monastery - 27km

Nearest places of interest:
Devnya Mosaics museum 12km
Varna Historical museum 15km
Varna Marine museum 16km
Varna Puppet and drama theater 16km



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