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1 GBP   = 2.80 BGN (Lev)
1 EURO = 1.90 BGN (Lev)
1 USD   = 1.50 BGN (Lev)

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EURO 1.476 1.474
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CAN$ 2.144 2.104
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NZD 2.730 2.665
CHF 2.437 2.438
ZAR(Rand) 14.090 14.052

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Land in the process of Regulation Pazardzhik

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 3762

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Пзарджик
Площ на парцела 12700 sqm
Цена в евро 195000  
Разстояние от
Летище 94Km Sofia
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Път Yes



The town of Pazardjik is 205 meters above the sea level. It is situated at the distance of 114km south east of Sofia, at the distance of 36km west of Plovdiv, at the distance of 20km north of Peshtera and at the distance of 43km south of Panagyurishte. The town is a regional center.
There are well developed bus and railway connections with the remaining part of the country. It is situated on the most busy road, motorway Sofia Plovdiv. Pazardjik has regular bus lines to Sofia, Plovdiv, Velingrad, Panagyurishte and to the smaller settlements in the region. The bus station is situated in the central part of Pazardjik, at 6 Georgi Benkovskistr. The railway station is in the southern part of the town.

The plot is situated at the beginning of the town and is located in a built up and industrial area of the town. There is a sewerage system plumbing and telephone cables. The plot faces Dimcho Debelianov street and is category 4. It is not regulated land but is under proccess of regulation.

Nearest towns:
Septemvri 15 km
Stamboliiski 18 km
Saedinenie 20 km
Krichim 20 km
Belovo 25 km
Perushtitsa 25 km

Nearest thermal springs:
Varvarski mineral waters 16 km
Bragitsovo 18 km

Nearest churches and monasteries:
St. Peter and Pavel 14 km
St. Nikola 22 km

Nearest national objects:
Church St. Bogoroditsa 200 m
Home museum of Stanislav Dospeski 1 km
Regional Historical museum 2 km
Cave of Snejanka 20 km
Historical museum in Perushtitsa 22 km

Nearest lakes:
Dikilika - 20 km
Krichim 26 km
Batak 26 km

About the plot:
Under proccess of regulation
Sewerage system
Plumbing system
At the beggining of the town



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