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Unregulated Land For Sale Dobrich Bulgaria

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 3728

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Добрич
Площ на парцела 3273 sqm
Цена в евро 5500  
Разстояние от
Летище 22Km Varna
Море 15Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Път Yes



This charming little village is part of Dobrich District which is located in North-East Bulgaria. It is part of Dobrich Municipality.
Black sea inland areas, just fourteen kilometers from the beach! The village is an attractive place for holiday vacations and permanent living. Close to other popular spa resorts, summer attractions and much more! The picturesque Birds Valley is situated close to the village. Along the wide valley flows the clear river of Batova. The view reveals steep slopes overgrown with a dense wood, red coloured rocks and clear cool springs and green meadows. The birds chorus break the silence in this paradise.

The village is located on a main road from Dobrich to Albena resort, 15km from the sea, 20km from the town of Dobrich and 25 km from the International airport in Varna city. There is a school, kindergarten, shops and bars in the village. There is regular bus transport every 20minutes to Dobrich and Albena.
The plot is close to a river and a children camp bought by an Englishmen. Electricity and water is about 1 km from the plot. It faces a field road which is about 15m.

Nearest seaside resorts:
Albena -11 km
Kranevo 11 km
Balchik 15 km
Golden Sands -16 km
Chaika 18 km

Nearest towns:
Kavarna - 29 km
Dobrich 20 km
Balchik 15 km

Nearest thermal springs:
Tuzlata 21 km

Nearest churches and monasteries:
Aladja monastery 15 km
St. Marina -21 km
Rojdestvo Bogorodichno 25 km

Nearest national objects:
The palace of Balchik 16 km
Art Gallery in Dobrich 20 km
Historical museum in Varna 22 km
Military-naval museum in Varna 24 km

Nearest lakes:
Balchishka tuzla 20 km
Lake of Varna -27 km
Lake of Beloslav 33 km



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