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Unregulated Land For Sale south on Varna Lake

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 3630

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Ваканционен комплекс
Селски имоти
Регион Варна
Площ на парцела 20000 sqm
Цена в евро 37  Per Sq.m
Разстояние от
Летище 15Km Varna
Море 9Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Път Yes



The city of Varna is the third largest city in Bulgaria. The city's structure resembles an amphitheatre as it follows the curves of the Bay of Varna. It is surrounded by gardens, vineyards and groves. In summer there are many tourists besides the local people. The city of Varna is a good place for living and investing.

The city is surrounded by numerous gardens, vineyards and deciduous groves. Almost the whole territory is occupied with private country houses and small farms that belong to them. About 20 kilometres west of Varna is the so-called Stone Forest, a curious collection of stone columns up to 7 metres high. The first impression is of a ruined temple but scientists have discovered that it is a geological formation of stalagmites some fifty million years old.
Along the 370-kilometre long coast there lie incomparably beautiful beaches: slowly dipping into the sea, high sand dunes and small romantic coves caressed by the green slopes of the mountains. As there is no tide the sea is ideal for diving and swimming.

A large percentage of the approximately 100 nature reserves in the country are located far from the tourist tracks in order to protect the indigenous wildlife and vegetation. Some of them including Pirin National Park can be accessed quite easily. Pirin National Park is the home of many protected plants including several ancient examples of the black armour-pine tree.

The plot for sale on the very shore of Varna lake! The plot is 20000sq.m and it is located on the south shore of Varna lake. The status of the land is a status of recreational forest (unregulated), which gives quite good prospects even without changing the status of the land. Furthermore, it is an area presenting picturesque landscape and the calmness and peaceful atmosphere of a forest. Its proximity to the city of Varna, the airport and the sea all at once is a great advantage.

In Varna there is:
The dolphinarium
Museum of archaeology
Puppet drama theatre
Festival and congress centre Varna
Stoyan Bachvarov Drama Theatre
Regional historical museum

Nearest seaside resorts:
St. Konstantin and Elena 8 km
Golden Sands 15 km
Albena 22 km

Nearest towns:
Dolni Chiflik 30 km
Devnya 30 km
Beloslav 18 km



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