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Unregulated Land For Sale

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 3423

В близост до

Ваканционен комплекс
Селски имоти
Регион Варна
Площ на парцела 3000 sqm
Цена в евро 13  Per Sq.m
Разстояние от
Летище 26 KM
Море 2 KM
Електричество No
Вода No
Път Yes

The land is located in one of the finest parts of Bulgaria the north Black sea coast. Beaches with golden sands, guarded by impressive cliffs, splendid nature and nature reserves, rich history with museums and archaeological sites, splendid nature picturesque green villages with colorful population, two of the largest summer resorts Albena and Golden Sands with various possibilities for accommodation, sports and fun these are only some of the characteristics of the place. The area is also marked by very good infrastructure and a pronounced interest of construction companies and European clients, mainly from UK. Three new professional-class golf courses are being built about 15 km away and they should be finished within one year. A new villa zone is being constructed not far away. Balchik is only 25 km away and the town offers ancient architecture, the magnificent Palace with unique botanical garden, which formerly belonged to the Romanian queen Maria, a yacht port which will be fully renovated and modernized.
The plot of land has a superb location, about 7 km from the golden beaches of Albena, 19 km from Bulgarias sea capital Varna, the second largest town in the country.. Not far from it are situated 300 hectar of forest game reserve, which provides a great opportunity for hunting and long walks on the open air. The whereabouts of the property offers magnificent panorama towards the sea and Albena resort due to the slight displacement of the terrain. The plot of land is at present unregulated.




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