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Regulated Land For Sale Avren Municipality Varna District

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 3302

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Аврен
Площ на парцела 9600 sqm
Цена в евро 15  Per Sq.m
Разстояние от
Летище 32KM Varna
Море 25 KM
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Път Yes

This regulated land with water and electricity is situated in village, 29km from the Sea capital of Bulgaria Varna, 32km from International Airport and 25km from Sea. The land is revealing the hills and forests near by. The area around the village is very calm air is fresh and nature is great. Because of the short distance to Varna city this area is very attractive. The place is very suitable for summer villa with big garden and swimming pool.
The size of the plot is 9600sq.m; it is located next to an asphalt road.
The municipality of Avren is located in the North East of Bulgaria, covering an area of 380 square kilometers. It has permanent population of 8613 people, and those temporarily residing there are about 3000. It is the sixth largest municipality in the Varna district. To the east it borders on the Black Sea, and the neighboring municipalities are those of Varna, Beloslav, Dolni Chiflik and Provadia. The municipality of Avren is a predominantly flat country with an altitude of 0 to 380 meters above sea level and generally sloping southwards. Its relief is formed by the valleys of the Kamchia River and the Provadiiska River, and the Avren plateau, which divides the territory into a tableland region and a valley region. In general, the climate is a moderate continental one with microclimatic variances due to the influence of the relief and the Black Sea basin.
The territory of the municipality of Avren comprises 17 villages, the administrative canter Avren and the Kamchia Resort complex.



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