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1 GBP   = 2.80 BGN (Lev)
1 EURO = 1.90 BGN (Lev)
1 USD   = 1.50 BGN (Lev)

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EURO 1.476 1.474
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Regulated Land For Sale

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 3148

В близост до

Ваканционен комплекс
Селски имоти
Регион Бяла
Площ на парцела 1900 sqm
Цена в евро 42  Per Sq.m
Разстояние от
Летище 75 KM
Море 700 M
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Път Yes

Plot of regulated land for sale near sea!
This land is located in Varna region, next to the sea town of Byala, 38km from Varna city and International Airport, close to motorway Varna-Bourgas
Byala is a modern town thanks to the wine- growing. The famous wine "Dimiat" is produced in this town. Byala is also a seaside resort with many private holiday houses for tourists. There is a perfect combination of beach with gold sands and broad leaved forest. These factors make it an excellent place for seaside tourism. The sea water is very clean because there are not any factories near. It gives the optimum for a nice and still rest.
The town of Byala is the fourth place on the earth where are found signs of the planet cataclysm of the Earth which brought to extinction of the dinosaurs. That landmark is known with the name of "White rocks".
This plot is located 700m from sea and offers marvelous panoramic view! The land is not regulated but is close to water and electricity resources. The terrain is plain. It is surrounded by vineyards. The plot size is 1900sq.m.
This area offers clean environment, nice and quiet nature as well as wonderful sea panorama view!

Price in Euro: 42 Per sq.m




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