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1 GBP   = 2.80 BGN (Lev)
1 EURO = 1.90 BGN (Lev)
1 USD   = 1.50 BGN (Lev)

Weekly Currency Rates for Overseas Property Buyers
Currency Rate Last
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EURO 1.476 1.474
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CAN$ 2.144 2.104
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ZAR(Rand) 14.090 14.052

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Unregulated Land For Sale

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 2358

В близост до

Ваканционен комплекс
Селски имоти
Регион Варна
Площ на парцела 6000 sqm
Цена в евро 36  per sq.m
Разстояние от
Летище 45 KM
Море 300 M
Електричество No
Вода No
Път Yes

Agricultural land for sale situated in a village 300 m away from the beach and 45 km away from Varna City and International Airport.
Varna lies on the same latitude of the famous Atlantic resorts Bayonne and Biarritz in France on a large flat and high terrace on the northwestern most curve of the bay which just some 7km inland. The city occupies some 24sq km, measuring 6km northeast-southwest and is about 4km wide. During the holiday season, July and August, the sunshine allows 10-11 hours of sunbathing.
The city is clean and green. Of the green miracles at least three are a must: the Marine Gardens which are the largest in the Balkans; Euxinograd park, the former Royal Palace; the paradise of St.Constantine.
he village is fast growing and developing appropriate for tourism activities and lots entertainments during the summer season especially.
The plot size of the land is 6000 sq.m and near by the parcel there is a river and new building complex.

Price in Euro: 36 per sq.m



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