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 Approx. Exchange Rate

1 GBP   = 2.80 BGN (Lev)
1 EURO = 1.90 BGN (Lev)
1 USD   = 1.50 BGN (Lev)

Weekly Currency Rates for Overseas Property Buyers
Currency Rate Last
Rate This
EURO 1.476 1.474
CY? 0.854 0.853
US$ 1.984 1.982
CAN$ 2.144 2.104
AUS$ 2.423 2.383
NZD 2.730 2.665
CHF 2.437 2.438
ZAR(Rand) 14.090 14.052

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Regulated Land

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 3051

В близост до

Ваканционен комплекс
Селски имоти
Регион Несебар
Площ на парцела 5359 sqm
Цена в евро 52  Per Sq.m
Разстояние от
Летище 19 KM Burgas
Море 1.5 KM
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Път Yes

Regulated land for sale!
The land is situated in small tourist village on the Southeastern Black Coast Sea which position provides nice weather, quietness and ecologically clean environment.
The proximity to the attractive resort such as Sunny beach and Nessebar offers plenty of attractions and entertainment possibilities.
The property is just 1.5km from the sea coast and there are fine sand beaches and lots of cafeterias and bars offering fresh drinks. In the village there are several big hotels as well as a great number of restaurants, taverns, and disco clubs.
The land is situated at 2km from the tourist town of Nessebar and 19 km from the Airport of Sarafovo.The land is just in 150m from the main road Varna Burgas.
The plot is located in the new side of the village and in the surroundings there are lots of nice recently built houses.
The plot size is 5359 sq. m. The terrain is flat and rectangular in shape.
Price in Euro: 52 per Sq.m



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