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1 GBP   = 2.80 BGN (Lev)
1 EURO = 1.90 BGN (Lev)
1 USD   = 1.50 BGN (Lev)

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EURO 1.476 1.474
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Regulated Land for Sale

Вид на офертата За продажба
Оферта номер 1338

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Каварна
Площ на парцела 1980 sqm
Цена в евро 20  Per Sqm
Разстояние от
Летище 67Km Varna
Море 7Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Път Yes

Комуникации: Regulated plot of land 26km from the famous resort of Balchik, 12km from two famous golf courses, 25Km away from Tuzlata, famous for its curative mud, recommended for bone-related diseases. There is a big balneology centre. This plot of land is situated close to the charming, seaside town of Kavarna, a small port with a broad outlet on the Black Sea to the Eastern and Southern sides and 30km from the picturesque town of Balchik. The coastline of Kavarna is varied, featuring cliffs, beaches and caves. The town is famous for the steep cape of Kaliakra and the romantic legend about 40 maidens committing suicide from there in the name of Christianity. There are caves in the vicinity, once the habitat of Black Sea monk seal. Balchik is one of the most picturesque Bulgarian towns, situated amphitheatrically before the sea. Today it attracts tourists with its unique, ancient houses and streets. Among the local attractions is the Queens Palace, the former summer residence of Queen Marie of Romania with its botanical garden, the biggest in the Balkans, 2nd in Europe. It is the home of 3000 plant species, of which cacti alone are over 250.
This plot of land is situated near houses, hence the easy availability of water and electricity. An asphalt road leads to this piece of land. The residents of this village are very friendly and warm hearted hosts. There are plenty of foreign citizens that have made this village their home.



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