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House For Sale Aksakovo Municipality
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5859

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Аксаково
Държава България
Цена в евро 80000 
Застроена площ 200 sqm
Площ на парцела 1000 sqm
Спални 4
Етажи 2
Етап Fully Renovated
Разстояние от
Летище 30Km Varna
Море 35Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes(Septic tank)





The large territory of Aksakovo municipality, its various relief forms, as well as the difference in its remoteness from the sea presuppose the big differences in its climate, which is temperate-continental in the area of the plateaus. The climate is favourable for development of agriculture, especially for growing crops, vineyards, apricot-trees, etc. Aksakovo municipality is situated close to the town of Varna that has a key position in the trans-European nets and systems. All that favours the transportation and communication links.
The rural character of the region could be a good basis for development of alternative rural, natural or ecological tourism.

On offer is a fully renovated 2-storey house. The property has been fully renovated and decorated inside and outside. The windows are all double glazed. Upstairs has fitted carpets throughout and the downstairs floors are all tiled.
On the ground floor is the entrance hall, which leads to an L shaped kitchen, dining room and a lounge with fireplace. The kitchen is fitted with built in hob, oven and microwave. Through from the kitchen is a bathroom with bath and shower, opposite this is the laundry room with automatic washing machine and a hot water boiler, through again from here is a back bedroom with tiled floor.
Tiled stairs lead to a large tiled area, on the first floor, with another toilet and shower.
At the front of the house is another bedroom leading to the balcony, which has been glazed with all the windows opening fully. There is a master bedroom which is an en-suite with a shower cubicle. Through from the master bedroom is a further bedroom at the back of the house. All the bedrooms upstairs are fully carpeted.
The plot is approximately 1000sq.m and features a large summer kitchen and tiled swimming pool with underground pump house. The summer kitchen has a cooking type open fire and a concrete work top which is tiled, the floor is of natural stone. There is a paved driveway with gates and a low maintenance garden.

The house consists of:
Ground Floor:

Entrance hall
Lounge with fireplace
Dining area
One bathroom
Laundry Room
One bedroom

First floor:
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms

Outside the house:
Summer Kitchen
Swimming pool

Nearest towns and villages:
Radevo- 3km
Krumovo- 7km
Oborishte- 8km
G. Kiselovo- 11km
Vedrina- 15km
Valchi Dol- 18km
Dobrich- 28km
Varna- 30km

Nearest national objects:
Home monument Yordan Yovkov- 18km
Art Gallery - 17.63 km
Museum of Mosaics- 25 km
Regional Historical Museum of Varna- 30 km
Naval Museum of Varna 30 km

Nearest Lakes and Rivers:
Beloslavsko Lake- 26km
Varnensko ezero-28.25 km

Nearest churches and monasteries:
St. Marina monastery- 3km
Aladzha Monastery-30km



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