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House For Sale Balchik Municipality
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5873

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Балчик
Държава България
Цена в евро 143000 
Застроена площ 138 sqm
Площ на парцела 460 sqm
Спални 3
Етажи 2
Етап New Built
Разстояние от
Летище 38Km Varna
Море 7Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes(Septic tank)





The village where the property is located is on the North-Eastern Black sea coast where you still can see wild nature combined with the advantages of the civilization. It is 2km away from the famous sea resort Albena and 14km away from Golden sands resort. The picturesque towns of Balchik and Kavarna, situated on the Black sea coast are respectively 18 and 32 km away from the village.They are know for their remarkable Black Sea architecture. Many legends are told of cape Kaliakra which is located 27km away from the village. It is a remarkable place with an interesting history.As well it is just 20km far from international airport at Varna.

On offer is a luxurious family house finished and furnished to very high European standards.
The 2-storey house boasts with 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, large private terrace, garage with 2 parking lots, and swimming pool, landscaped garden and fabulous sea views.
This marvelous property is provided, with air-conditioning units (built-in air humidifying), coloured limestone fireplace, double glazed PVC joinery, inside insulation and insulating bricks.

The house consists of:
Fully-fitted kitchen- granite flooring
Dining room
Living room with fireplace- granite flooring
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms- Spanish marble and Italian terracotta
Large Terrace

Outside the house:
Swimming pool (heated by solar system),
Garage with 2 parking lots
Landscaped garden

Nearest sea resorts:
Albena- 7km
Kranevo- 9km
Golden Sands- 20km

Nearest towns and villages:
Obrochishte- 4km
Tsarkva- 8km
General Kantardjievo- 9km
Klimentovo- 15km
Balchik- 17km

Nearest monasteries:
St. Trinity Monastery 11km
St. Konstantin and Helena Monastery 17km
St. Marina Monastery 22km

Nearest lakes:
Balchishka Tuzla lake 16km
Varna lake 26km



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