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Apartment For Sale Byala
Имоти Апартаменти
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5975

В близост до

Ваканционен комплекс
Селски имоти
Регион Бяла
Държава България
Цена в евро 30750 
Застроена площ 37 sqm
Площ на парцела sqm
Спални 1
Етажи 2
Етап New Built
Разстояние от
Летище 55Km Varna
Море 50m
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes





The apartment is situated in the small town of Byala situated on a picturesque coast on the Black sea. The town is a small romantic piece of the Bulgarian nature, situated 50km south from our sea capital Varna and 79km north of Bourgas.
Byala is a rich vine and wine center, with traditions in the wine industry that date back from ancient times. Founded in the 3rd century before Christ, Byala today is a mix of traditional working village and tourist resort. Byala is a prosperous Bulgarian village due to the thriving local wine industry. The wine of the extremely fine vintage "Dimyat" is produced there.
A small port is now being constructed on the coast. It will provide opportunities for small ships and yachts to land on the beautiful coast of Byala. Stairs lead down to a sechluded beach that curves north toward rocky Cape Atanas. To the south, another promontory separates the small sandy strip from the beach at Obzor. Byala with its favourable conditions crystal sea, sandy beach and a forest offers wonderful opportunities for recreation.

On offer for sale is a new built one bedroom apartment located in Byala. The apartment is on the 2nd floor of the building and has view towards the sea. It was built in 2007 and is finished turn key. It is with laminated flooring, the Bathroom and the WC are tiled. There are PVC windows. The property is sold fully furnished. The common parts are made with luxurious granite and marble. The elevator is hydraulic with automatic doors. The apartment possesses part of the yard of the building. The building is surrounded by a fence. The property is provided with Internet.

The apartment consists of:
Kitchen with living area
Bathroom with WC

Nearest Towns and Villages:
Goritsa 4km
Samotino 5km
Obzor 7km
Priseltsi 9km

Nearest 100 National Object:
Archaeological Museum 27km
National Maritime Museum 36km
Regional Museum of History 36km
The Salt Museum 40km

Nearest Points of Interest:
Ancient Fortress 9km
Latest Ancient Fortress Golyamoto kale 18km
Meteorological Station 19km
Windmill in Old Town Nesebar 27km
Ottoman Fort Kurt Tabia 30km

Nearest Churches and Monasteries:
Church 6km
St. Atanasiy Veliki Church 20km
St. Bogoroditsa Eleusa Basilica -26km
St. Todor Church 26km

Nearest lakes:
Lake Baltata 20km
Lake Poroy 25km



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