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Shop For Sale Varna
Имоти Търговски обекти
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5918

В близост до

Ваканционен комплекс
Регион Варна
Държава България
Цена в евро 140000 
Застроена площ 105.48 sqm
Площ на парцела sqm
Етажи 1
Етап Good Condition
Разстояние от
Летище 8Km Varna
Море 3Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes




The city of Varna is set on the coast of the Varna bay. It is the biggest city on the whole Bulgarian Black Sea coastline and the multitude of its harbours and industrial plants make it a bustling industrial centre, the second largest in the country. It is a well -known fact, that a great part of national industrial infrastructure is located here, but that does not limit the importance of the city as a tourist destination, desired by many foreigners.

On the contrary, in the summer the city and the nearby tourist complexes Druzhba and Golden Sands are bursting from foreign tourists, around 100 thousand and some 60 thousand Bulgarians. For a weekend tour, at least 50 thousand people visit Varna from the country.

On offer for sale is a shop situated in Chaika quarter, Varna. It offers 105.48sq.m built area. The shop is provided with PVC windows, shutters, tile and suspended ceiling. The property can be used as children's day care center, shop for baby goods, office, wholesale, law firm and many other activities. The shop has a separate office, storage, 2 bathrooms and parking. In the vicinity there is a large supermarket and a hairdresser.

In Varna there are:
The Dolphinarium
Museum of archaeology
Puppet drama theatre
Festival and congress centre Varna
Stoyan Bachvarov Drama Theatre
Regional historical museum
The Roman thermal bath

Nearest towns and villages:
Dolni Chiflik 30 km
Devnya 30 km
Beloslav 18 km
Kamenar 4 km
Zvezditsa 9 km

Nearest seaside resorts:
St. Constantine and Elena 4 km
Golden Sands 11 km
Albena 18 km

Nearest national objects:
Varna Military-Nautical Museum - 0.2km
Varna Regional Historical Museum 0.1km
Devnya Museum for mosaics 27km
Balchik The Palace 28km

Nearest points of interest:
Palace of culture and sports 0.5km
Festival and congress centre Varna 0.5km
Aquarium 0.1km
Museum of archaeology 0.1km
Naval museum 0.2km

Nearest Churches and monasteries:
Evangelical Pentecostal Church 104m
Neporochno Zachatie Na St. Bogoroditsa Catholic Church 278m
Sveto Uspenie Bogorodichno Cathedral Church 356m
St. Sarkis Armenian Church 381m
Hayriye Mosque 395m

Nearest lakes:
Varna lake -15Km
Beloslav Lake - 24Km
Lake Baltata - 32Km




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