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House For Sale Targovishte Centre
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5914

В близост до

Регион Търговище
Държава България
Цена в евро 43000 
Застроена площ 160 sqm
Площ на парцела 215 sqm
Спални 3
Етажи 1
Етап Good Condition
Разстояние от
Летище 110Km Varna
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes





The town of Targovishte is situated in North-East Bulgaria - in the picturesque and fertile Danube plain. It is regional (Targovishte district) and municipal center (Turgovishte muncipality). The city is near to the country border points of Varna (110 km. far) and Russe (100km. far) and that fact makes it a natural strategic crossroad. The natural gifts and the location of Targovishte municipality in combination with the historical heritage are premises for the progress and variety of the tourist activity. A certain advantage is its proximity to the tourists centers of Veliki Proslav, Pliska, Veliko Tarnovo. The region is known for its both hilly and plain terrain. The town is an ancient market settlement and a district centre. Nowdays Targoviste is also known as an agricultural and wine producing region with plenty of artificial lakes and forests rich in game and picturesque landscape.

On offer for sale is one floor of a beautiful, an additional attached 2 floor building house situated only 5min from the center of Targovishte. Its a solid brick house. An additional building with 2 floors is attached to this house. In the additional building there is an internal staircase which leads to the 2nd floor. The attached house is connected with the main house but it has a private entrance. There is a garden in front of the property and a big yard behind the house. The yard is 430sq.m but only the half of it belongs to the owner. The 1st floor of the property, the additional 2 floor attached building and the other half of the yard is for sale.

The main house (1st floor) consists of:
Living room
Dining room
Kitchen - new kitchen countertop, washing machine

The attached house consists of:
3 rooms
Internal stairs
Bathroom and WC
Winter garden
Outside there is:
Yard- 430sq.m

Nearest towns and villages:
Vasil Levski 2Km
Razboyna 5Km
Bryag 4Km
Strazha 6Km
Suedinenie 7Km
Bistra 8Km
Bayachevo 6Km
Ralitsa 7Km
Alvanovo 7Km
Ovcharovo 9Km

Nearest 100 National Objects:
Archaeological Reserve and Museum 22Km
Archaeological Reserve Shumenska Castle 26Km
Tombul Mosque Sherif Halil Pasha 1744y. 27Km
Creators of the Bulgarian State Monument 28Km
Regional Museum of History 28Km

Nearest Points of Interest:
Monastery of Veliki Preslav Fortress 21Km
Kultuk Fortress 22Km
Archaeological Reserve and Museum 22Km
Kraglata (Gold) Church 22Km
Mostich Monastery 22Km

Nearest Churches and Monasteries:
St. Ivan Rilski Church 399m
Sahat Mosque 450m
Uspenie na Presveta Bogoroditsa Church 549m
Church 629m
Church 3Km

Nearest Lakes:
Lake Borovo Oko 1Km
Lake Polyanitsa 4Km
Lake Ruets-1 6Km
Lake Ralitsa 8Km
Lake Podgoritsa 10Km



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