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House For Sale Varna Municipality
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5710

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Варна
Държава България
Цена в евро 68000 
Застроена площ 150 sqm
Площ на парцела 780 sqm
Спални 2
Етажи 2
Етап Renovated
Разстояние от
Летище 16Km Varna
Море 8Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes(Septic tank)




HOUSE WITH AMAZING VIEWS TOWARDS THE LAKE OF VARNA - GREAT PRICE The beautiful city of Varna is situated on Varna Bay and on the Black Sea. It is the third biggest city in Bulgaria and is called The pearl of the Black Sea. The sea is an amazingly calm and free of dangerous tides. Varna is an 'around-the-year' holiday destination. Beyond the high season, its balneotherapy facilities can help you unwind and enjoy the many sights and sounds in peace. With nightfall, an endless fiesta of light, sound and night entertainment begins in Varna. The city is also a big administrative and business center. The climate and the nature create favourable conditions for development of industry, trade, tourism and communications in the region. The city`s peculiar sea charm is sublime and moving. Ancient, medival, renaissance and modern cultures mingle and coexist through the city.

On offer for sale is a renovated house just outside of Varna, about 8km away from the city center and located very close to the Varna Lake. The house is a two-storey building and consists of:

Ground floor:
Spacious living room with kitchen area
Bathroom with toilet

First floor is accessed via internal staircase. It consists of:
2 bedrooms
Bathroom with toilet
Spacious terrace, which offers breath-taking views towards the Lake Varna and the city itself

The yard:

The house has been recently renovated and is ready to move in.

Nearest towns and villages:
Konstantinovo 3km
Varna 8km
Zvezditsa 8km
Beloslav 10km
Priseltsi 12km
Bliznatsi 18km

Nearest places of interest:
Historical Museum of Varna 8km
The Aquarium of Varna 8km
Varna Naval Museum 8km
Dolphinarium Varna 11km

Nearest lakes :
Varna lake 1m
Beloslavsko Lake 11km

Nearest churches and monasteries:
Saint Constantine and Helena Monastery 17km
Aladja Monastery 20km



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