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House For Sale Roman Municipality Vratsa District
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5698

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Враца
Държава България
Цена в евро 55000 
Застроена площ 140 sqm
Площ на парцела 800 sqm
Спални 2
Етажи 2
Етап Newly Refurbished
Разстояние от
Летище 80Km Sofia
Море 377Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes(Septic tank)





The village is in Vratsa District is located in North-West Bulgaria and belongs to the Municipality Roman. It is situated 9km from town of Roman and 32km from town of Mezdra in beautiful countryside region. Other landmarks are some several important archaeological sites and fishing lakes. There is regular bus from Mezdra to Sofia that pass the village.
Near the village passes the picturesque Canyon of the river Harchenska. The place is famous with its splended nature, a great number of caves, a natural bridge and the amazing rocks Tchuklite (they look like towers of medieval fortress). And in Vratsa there are trade centers, Billa, Kaufland, Tehnopolis and Tehnomarket. You can reach both of towns with a regular bus line.
The village itself is surrounded by mountains and rivers. The infrastructure to and in the village is very good - asphalt roads, electricity and water supply. There are also several shops and cafes.

On offer is a 2 - storey completely refurbished house with a mountain view in a lovely village.
It has got all exposed oak beams, new wiring, new sewerage, new plumbing, new windows, new internal staircase, all new plastered walls. All windows have been carefully refurbished as have all doors outside the property in the rear.
The house comprises of oak style kitchen, shower room with enough space to install a bath tub, living room with an oak beamed ceiling and feature stone and brick wall. The bedrooms on the upper floor are light and airy as windows to both sides and front give you views of not only the mountain behind, but also the frontal views of the fields.
There are front and back gardens, with fruit threes, which encircle the house.

The house is for sale unfurnished.

The house consists of:
Ground floor:

Hallway- fully tiled floor
Kitchen- fully tiled floor
Living room with a fireplace- laminated floor
Shower room with a toilet- fully tiled floor and walls

First floor:
Lounge area- laminated floor
2 Bedrooms- laminated floor

Outside the house:
Front and back garden
2 wood sheds

Nearest towns and villages:
Radovene- 6km
Roman- 9km
Cherven Bryag- 16km
Lukovit- 27km

Nearest national objects:
Saeva Dupka Cave- 22km
Sveto Preobrajenie Monastery- 27km

Nearest churches and monasteries:
Strupetski Monastery Sv. Prorok Iliya -13 km
Glozhenski Monastery Sv. Georgi Pobedonosets -27.66 km
Skravenski Monastery Sv. Nikolay Mirlikiyski -30km



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