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House For Sale Provadiya Municipality
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5647

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Провадия
Държава България
Цена в евро 31000 
Застроена площ 120 sqm
Площ на парцела 1600 sqm
Спални 3
Етажи 2
Етап Renovated
Разстояние от
Летище 60Km Varna
Море 50Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes(Septic tank)





The village is located in North-East Bulgaria and is included in Municipality Provadiya (Varna District). The area is famous with the Rocky Monasteries. It is a beautiful location presenting nice panoramic views to the surrounding hills and forests. The climate on the territory of the Provadia municipality is temperately continental. The average annual temperature is 11.9degrees. The terrain consists mostly of plains or hills and plateaus, with an altitude up to 220m above sea level, which in combination with the water resources (the Provadiiska river and its tributaries), the fertile black earth, grey forest soils and carbonate soils and the suitable climate favours the growing of grain and volatile-oil cultures, perennial plants and orchards.

The property is located in a beautiful area covered with forests and a mile from a massive lake suitable for fishing, boating etc. The property itself is very big and solid, it is a two storey 3 bedroom house, with a kitchen, living room, bathroom and two further rooms downstairs attached to the main building, a summer kitchen with views to the garden and a further room at the back of the house which would make a great dining or games room (these rooms are not refurbished). There is a large hallway room enough to install an upstairs bathroom. The house has already been part renovated and has new wiring and plumbing and double glazing. The roof was overhauled 2 years ago. The flat roof above the summer kitchen makes a wonderful terrace giving views across the village. A covered summer terrace at the front of the house gives welcome shade in the summer months when dining or just sipping a cold drink.
The property has water, telephone line, electricity and water. Satellite television and internet are available.

The village has a shop, bar and a post office, a new golf course has also been proposed for this area.

The house consists of:
Kitchen- tiled floor in terracotta, tiled splash-back also in terracotta, waste and washing machine
Living room- large room suitable for living/dining
3 bedrooms- double beds with wooden floors and double glazing
Bathroom - shower, white toilet and hand basin, hot-water boiler and double glazed 'tilt & turn' window, walls and floor- fully tiled
Summer kitchen
2 rooms attached to the main building
Garden- fruit trees and several outbuildings, one suitable for a garage

Nearest towns and villages:
Dalgopol- 4km
Tsonevo- 6km
Komunari- 14km
Provadiya- 16km
Dobrina- 21km
Dolni Chiflik- 30km
Sindel- 30km

Nearest points of interest:
Tsonevo - Bulgaria's 3rd largest dam- 3km
Amazing Rocks - 22km



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