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House For Sale General Toshevo Municipality Dobrich District
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5532

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Генерал Тошево
Държава България
Цена в евро 95000 
Застроена площ 300 sqm
Площ на парцела 640 sqm
Спални 4
Етажи 2
Етап New Built
Разстояние от
Летище 90Km Varna
Море 40Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes(Septic tank)





The village is located in North-East Bulgaria which is part of General Toshevo Municipality. The Municipality consists of 1 town (General Toshevo) and 41 villages.Yovkovo border control point, which services the traffic on the border with the Republic of Romania, is 15km from the municipal center.

The municipality is an environmentally clean region without industrial polluters, with a potential for development of rural tourism. Protected areas around General Toshevo have been declared in the villages of Rossitsa, Loznitsa and Bezhanovo. Dabovik village was the first to start offering hunting tourism. Areas for hunting tourism and fishing have been designated around Dryan Dam Lake, which has been granted under concession, and landscaped facilities for recreation have been built, as well as sports facilities with open-air and closed grounds and equipment.

The village is a very welcoming and friendly place.There are already six British families and one French family permanently residing and four families with holiday homes in it.

The house for sale is new built, complete to a very high standard of workmanship. It consists of:

Ground floor
Downstairs W.C
Spacious living /dining room with kitchen area
South facing Veranda

Internal staircase leads to the first floor, which consists of:
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms with W.C
Spacious lounge
Communal Balcony

The house is accessed via a wooden gate with a full concrete drive.

Outside in the yard there is:
Large garage with steel roller door
Covered BBQ area
Blockwork wall topped with fence

Stage of finishing:
Fully-tiled bathrooms
Internal staircase with stainless steel banister
Laminated bedroom floors
UPVC double glazing all tilt and turn fittings
External insulation and internal loft insulation
Security system

Nearest towns and villages:
Pisarovo 3km
General Toshevo 5km
Preselentsi 5km
Prisad 8km
Ravnets 9km
Goritsa 10km
Vasilievo 10km
Balkantsi 12km
Dobrich 23km
Balchik 30km

Nearest historical objects:
Dobrich Art Gallery 24km
The Castle of Balchik 30km

Nearest lakes:
Lake Tuzla in Balchik 30km
Lake Durankulak 32km



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