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House For Sale Dobrich Municipality Bulgaria
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5618

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Добрич
Държава България
Цена в евро 12000 
Застроена площ 110 sqm
Площ на парцела 4000 sqm
Спални 3
Етажи 1
Етап Ready For Living
Разстояние от
Летище 90Km Varna
Море 60Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes(Septic tank)





The village is located in Dobrich Municipality. It is situated in northeastern Bulgaria and is a part of Dobrich District. It is among the municipalities with largest area in Bulgaria. Varna port is located immediately next to the Municipality, and only 210km away from the border is Bucharest international airport. Agriculture is the most important part of the Municipality`s economy. The favourable climatic and soil conditions predetermine the traditional crops being grown: wheat, sunflower seeds, corn and others. There is working school in the village, kindergarten, health centre, working whole week, gas station and a post office.

The house is located at the end of the village, near dam and forest. The house is in perfect condition for living during the whole year. It has bathroom, toilet, canalization and a septic tank; also it is built an alarm system for security. There are farm buildings in the yard. The house has 3 entrances. Two of the rooms have their own entrance (like a separate house).
This built brick house has one floor. There are 3 main rooms each 16sq.m and 3 smaller ones. There are 2 inner bathrooms with WC, one of each is after renovation with new boiler, and the other one has sink. There are 2 separate electrometers and 2 water-meters. 2 of the rooms and the 2 bathrooms are ready for living. The whole roof was renovated last year.
Outside the yard have fruit trees mainly plums, blue plums; farm buildings. The whole property is 4000sq.m and 1000sq.m of it is a vineyard, which is not cultivated, and the other part of the yard is Lucerne (plant grown especially for animal feed). The property is separated into 4 plots, each around 925sq.m.
The property consists of:
3 big rooms (16sq.m)
3 smaller
2 bathrooms /WC
Yard 4000sq.m

Nearest Towns and Villages:
Cherna 5km
Pchelnik 6km
Balik 11km
Kolartsi 14km
Lyaskovo 4km
Kamen 6km
Vrachantsi 20km
Kozloduyci 18km
Dobrich - 22km

Nearest Places of Interest:
Museum of Art - 23km
House Museum of Yordan Jovkov Dobrich 23km

Nearest churches and monasteries:
Ascension of God Monastery 19km



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