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House For Sale Tundzha Municipality, Bulgaria
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5604

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Ямбол
Държава България
Цена в евро 69950 
Застроена площ 140 sqm
Площ на парцела 2735 sqm
Спални 5
Етажи 2
Етап Newly Renovated
Разстояние от
Летище 133Km Burgas
Море 128Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes(Septic tank)





The village (Yambol District) is located in South-East Bulgaria. It is part of Toundzha Municipality. The luxurious house is located in the southeast part of Bulgaria, in Toundzha-Strandzha Lowland in Yambol Municipality. It has a unique structure - it is a city- municipality, which borders on the towns and villages of Toundzha Municipality on all sides. There are two protected natural areas within the municipal boundaries: Ormana countryside, which is located 2km away from Yambol, where Loddon Lily and meadow-saffron fields can be found; Forestry Park on Borovets Hill in the city. Lesovo - Hamzabeyli border control point with Turkey is located 40km away.

This luxurious property consists of a renovated two storey house, disposed of 140sq.m total floor area and large, perfectly kept gardens of 2735sq.m with plenty of fruit trees and a stage covered with genuine stone fenced by a solid wall 2m high. The house rests on solid foundations and is very stable as for its construction have been materials like stone, bricks and concrete. It has two entrances which lead to the ground floor and an internal tiled staircase connects to the first floor.

The kitchen is being sold with all the equipment and electric appliances. All the floors are covered with terracotta and the windows are double glazed, made with PVC woodwork. Additionally there is a new massive brick and concrete garage (7m x 7m) with an automatic aluminium door. Utilities include electricity, mains water, well, local heating, internet connection, telephone and digital TV. The property benefits from its excellent condition, perfect maintenance and amazing location amidst the unspoiled beauty of the Bulgarian nature.

The ground floor consists of:
Lounge(3.6m x 3.3m)
Hallway (6m x 2m),
Three rooms (4.1m x 3.6m), (3.3m x 2.5m), (3.7m x 3.5m),
Modern bathroom with toilet (2.5m x 1.2m)

The first floor consists of:
Lounge (4m x 3.8m)- floor covered with real wood and parquet
Two rooms (3.8m x 3.8m), (4.4m x 4m)- floor covered with real wood and parquet
Big cozy bathroom/toilet (3.7m x 3m) with a bath and a balcony (3m x 2.5m)

Nearest towns and villages:
Malomir- 5km
Dryanovo- 9km
Elhovo- 12km
Drama- 16km
Yambol- 25km

Nearest national objects:
Gorna and Dolna Topchiya National Reservation- 5km
Ethnographic Museum of Elhovo- 12km



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