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House For Sale Levski Municipality Pleven District Bulgaria
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5450

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Плевен
Държава България
Цена в евро 71000 
Застроена площ 40 sqm
Площ на парцела 2650 sqm
Спални 3 or 4
Етажи 3
Етап Newly Renovated
Разстояние от
Летище 140Km Sofia
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes(Septic tank)





The Levski municipality is located on a territory of 414sq.m in the central part of the Danube plain (in the Touchenishko-Dolnoosamski region) and it is a constituent part of Pleven county. It is bounded to the north by the municipalities Nikopol and Belene, to the south by Letnitza, to the east by Svishtov and Pavlikeni, and to the west by Pordim municipality. Municipal center is town of Levski. The terrain in the municipality is predominantly flat. The climate is moderate continental, favorable for grain and industrial crops and vegetable- and fruit-growing. Perfect location for living or relaxation.

Balgarene is a five minute drive where there are further stores, the local school, doctor and restaurants. Levski is a 15 minute drive where there is a supermarket. The student town of Svishtov is a 20 minute drive.
The property is a five minute walk from the town centre where there are three convinience stores and two bars.

The house was built in 1958. It is three to four bedroom house. It is located in a lovely village set in rolling hills close to the historic town of Pleven and very close to the Danube and Romania. The house has two floors of similar layout, with each floor measuring approx 40sq.m. Two bedrooms, large entrance hall, bathroom and utility room on ground floor, staircase to first floor comprising kitchen/dining room with door to terrace (approx 28sq.m), large entrance hall with door to balcony (approx 4sq.m), one bedroom and one bedroom/lounge. The second floor is approx 40sq.m for storage only.

The property consists of:
3 storey house
Parking space 28sq.m
Additional agricultural buildings 87sq.m
Outside sink
Seating area 15sq.m

Ground Floor consists of:
Large entrance hall
2 bedrooms
Utility room
Staircase to the second floor

The First Floor consists of:
Kitchen/dining room with door to terrace - 28sq.m
Large entrance hall with door to balcony 4sq.m
One bedroom

The second Floor consists of:
Attic or storage 40sq.m

Additional facilities:
Telephone connection is possible
Good mobile phone coverage
Running water
Vine yard and vegetable patch
Orchard with many established fruit trees
Biological cess pit
Good dirt road to the property

Nearest Towns and Villages:
Petokladentsi 3km
Bozhurluk 5km
Delyanovtsi 7km
Ovcha Mogila 16km
Bulgarene 10km
Malchika 13km
Izgrev 15km
Obnova - 10km
Levski 17km

Nearest Places of Interest:
The ancient tumuli Izgrev - 15km
The rock in the Sveta Troitsa (Holy Trinity) 2km
The tumulus in Malchika 13km

Nearest churches and monasteries:
Tran Monastery of Angel Michail 30km



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