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Apartment For Sale Varna Bulgaria
Имоти Апартаменти
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5442

В близост до

Ваканционен комплекс
Регион Варна
Държава България
Цена в евро 68000 
Застроена площ 72 sqm
Площ на парцела sqm
Спални 3
Етажи 1
Етап Renovated
Разстояние от
Летище 10Km Varna
Море 1Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes





The proeperty is situated in North-East part of Bulgaria in the city of Varna. It is the third largest city in Bulgaria. The city's structure resembles an amphitheatre as it follows the curves of the Bay of Varna. It is surrounded by gardens, vineyards and groves. In summer there are many tourists besides the local people. The city of Varna is a good place for living and investing.

The city is surrounded by numerous gardens, vineyards and deciduous groves. Almost the whole territory is occupied with private country houses and small farms that belong to them. About 20 kilometres west of Varna is the so-called Stone Forest, a curious collection of stone columns up to 7 metres high. The first impression is of a ruined temple but scientists have discovered that it is a geological formation of stalagmites some fifty million years old.

First floor
3 bedrooms
Kitchen - furnished
Bathroom + WC - furnished

This unfurnished apartment consists of:
72sq.m built area
Wooden flooring in the bedrooms
Terracota flooring in the corridor
PVC joinery
New doors to the rooms
Massive building

The apartment could be easily turnned into an office.

The nearest sea resorts:
St. Constantine and Helena 3km
Golden Sands 10km
Albena 18km
Kranevo 18km

Nearest towns and villages:
Dolni Chiflik 30 km
Devnya 30 km
Beloslav 20 km
Kamenar 4 km
Zvezditsa 9 km

In Varna there are many points of interest:
The Dolphinarium
Museum of archaeology
Puppet drama theatre
Festival and congress centre Varna
Stoyan Bachvarov Drama Theatre
Regional historical museum
The Roman thermal bath

Nearest churches and monasteries:
Dormition Cathedral Varna
St. Petka Parashkeva Chapel
The Archangel Michael Chapel
St. Constantine and Helena Church
Armenian Apostolic Church
Aladzha Monastery 8km
St. Marina Monastery - 24km

Nearest lakes:
Varnensko Lake 9km
Beloslavsko Lake 20km



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