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House For Sale Tsar Kaloyan Municipality Razgrad District
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5265

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Разград
Държава България
Цена в евро 12995 
Застроена площ 120 sqm
Площ на парцела 1919 sqm
Спални 7
Етажи 3
Етап Needs Renovation
Разстояние от
Летище 139Km Varna
Море 140km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes





The property is situated in the northeastern part of the Danubian Plain in North-West Bulgaria. The Municipality is traversed by the first-class road Rousse - Varna, which is a direct and strategic connection between the Danube and the Black Sea. The municipal center 27km from Razgrad, 35km from Rousse city and 8km from the railway station in Vetovo town.

Proudly standing at the edge of the sought after village, this grand and handsome property boasts amazing views over the Rudenski Lom nature reserve. The area is especially noted for its mineral springs, fresh air and natural beauty. There is tremendous potential for Eco tourism and extreme sport enthusiasts, para-gliding bungy-jumping.

The neighbouring houses have already been renovated with pools as family and or holiday homes as the village is increasingly popular with foreign purchases. A respectable renovation company has set up base in the village.

This solid constructed house of stone, brick and timber beams consists of:
120sq.m living space
1919sq.m walled south facing plot of land
3 levels all connected by an internal staircase
3 large bedrooms
2 large barns
Threshers' cottage where some of the milling machines still exist - these buildings could also be renovated as further accommodation or as a business venture
Many fruit trees are growing on this huge plot of land which is big enough for a pool

On the ground floor there are:
4 large rooms - one of which has been allocated as a large family bathroom
Necessary sanitation
Summer kitchen in its rudimentary form which could increase the living space even further

On the top floor there is:
Office space

This property has spectacular far reaching views at all levels. After internal improvements a magnificent family home could be created. The land is actually 2 plots on 1 title deed so the new owner could split it up again thus increasing this excellent investment.

There is:
Covered off road parking
Road to the property in good order
Installed new water meter
Connected electricity

Nearest towns and villages:
Lyublen 4km
Gorsko Ablanovo 6km

Nearest churches and monasteries:
Karanvurbovski monastery St. Marina - 17km

Nearest lakes:
Lomtsi lake - 18km
Lake Baniska - 28km



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