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House For Sale Tsar Kaloyan Municipality Razgrad District
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 5264

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Разград
Държава България
Цена в евро 16250 
Застроена площ 100 sqm
Площ на парцела 1275 sqm
Спални 8 rooms
Етажи 2
Етап Needs Renovation
Разстояние от
Летище 139Km Varna
Море 140km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes





The property is situated in the northeastern part of the Danubian Plain in North-West Bulgaria. The Municipality is traversed by the first-class road Rousse - Varna, which is a direct and strategic connection between the Danube and the Black Sea. The municipal center is 27 km from Razgrad, 35km from Rousse city and 8km from the railway station in Vetovo town.

The Municipality is mainly agricultural, the main sector being plants-growing. The Beli Lom reserve is in the Municipality. It occupies an area of 7,730,000 sq.m with forests, rocks and flooded areas of the Beli Lom River. The caves and rock niches contain preserved remains of old Christian monasteries and churches. Remains of a fortification and a marble relief of Cerera - the goddess of agriculture and fertility provide evidence about the inhabitants of this land under the Roman domination. Two dam lakes and eight fish-farms exist in the Municipality and offer opportunities for sports fishing.

The lovely country house provides:
100sq.m of living space
2 floors
1275sq.m plot of land
Fruit trees and vines
4 out buildings/barns one of which has a very large terrace
Adjoining the house is a Summer kitchen.

On the ground level there are:
3 rooms
Shower room
Under the garage there is a large storage room with massive exposed beams and a fire place

On the first floor there are:
5 rooms
A mud road leads to a large garage

The house is:
In very good order
Built of stone, red brick and timber beams
South facing
With wonderful views of the village and hills toward the Rudenski Lom national park

All of these are in very good condition and with little effort and expenses it could easily be brought into line with other already renovated houses close by, making this a fantastic holiday or permanent home or indeed a business venture as there is plenty of room for a pool and their is a demand for quality accommodation in the area as is the possibilities for eco tourism.

Water and electricity are connected and a good road leads you 5mins into the bustling village centre.

The fact that this property has 2 ground plans under one title deed, enables a new owner to split the property.

Nearest towns and villages:
Lyublen 4km
Gorsko Ablanovo 6km

Nearest churches and monasteries:
Karanvurbovski monastery St. Marina - 17km

Nearest lakes:
Lomtsi lake - 18km
Lake Baniska - 28km



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