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House For Sale Aksakovo Municipality, Varna District
Имоти Къщи / Вили
Вид на офертата За продажба
Номер на офертата 4901

В близост до

Риболовен водоем
Селски имоти
Регион Варна
Държава България
Цена в евро 54000 
Застроена площ 150 sqm
Площ на парцела 1165 sqm
Спални 3 rooms
Етажи 2
Етап Needs Renovation
Разстояние от
Летище 22Km Varna
Море 3Km
Електричество Yes
Вода Yes
Канализация Yes(Septic tank)





The village (Varna District) is located in North-East Bulgaria and is included in Municipality Aksakovo. It is situated 3km away from the Sea side and 22km north from the city of Varna. The village attract with its proximity to the sea resorts of Albena and Golden sands. The foresty heights around Aksakovo keep the air fresh and clean. That is why Aksakovo is a suitable place for living for these people who would like to use the advantages of a big city like Varna but they also want to be able to live in a quiet and calm place. The climate is favourable for development of agriculture, especially for growing crops, vineyards, apricot-trees, etc. Aksakovo municipality is situated close to the town of Varna that has a key position in the trans-European nets and systems. All that favours the transportation and communication links. The rural character of the region could be a good basis for development of alternative rural, natural or ecological tourism. The Krumovo, Zasmyano, Liuben Karavelovo, Botevo and Osenovo dam lakes and the Batova, Osenovska and Suha rivers are a precondition for developmet of sport and fishing tourism.

An extra ordinary, 2-storey, brick house is located near the main road. There is a basement and an opportunity for building a swimming pool. There is a projected plan for a second house to be built on the same plot. The house is good for land tourism and also offers beautiful view towards the village of Kranevo.

The house consists of:
3 rooms (2.2m high )
External steps
3 bedrooms
Room Area for bathroom + WC in the house

In the yard (1100sq.m) there is:
Farm buildings
WC outside

There is an extra regulated plot of land situated next to the house which is 1355sq.m. The price for this plot of land is 38000euros.

Nearest towns and villages:
Klimentovo 11 km
Kranevo 20 km
Varna 21 km

Nearest seaside resorts:
Kranevo 20 km
Varna 21 km
Golden Sands 25 km
Balchik 32 km

Nearest monasteries:
Aladza monastery 5 km
Saint Konstantin and Helena monastery 10 km
Saint Marina monastery 24 km

Nearest national objects:
The palace in Balchik 14 km
The dolphinarium in Varna 14 km
Naval museum in Varna 15 km
The palace of culture and sports 15 km
The museum of archaeology in Varna 15 km
The aquarium in Varna 15 km
The historical museum in Varna 16 km

Nearest lakes:
Balchishka tuzla lake, Balchik 19 km
Lake of Varna 19 km
Lake of Beloslav 29 km



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